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How to Write a Book Proposal
A book proposal is a document that nonfiction writers (including memoirists) must have if they plan to gain interest in their project from an agent and/or editor. In this workshop, literary agent Elizabeth Kracht will break down the many working parts of the book proposal. Though some sections of the book proposal may be straightforward, other sections require a different perspective, such as seeing through the lens of a marketing professional or publicist. Through this workshop you will learn not only the required sections of the book proposal, but also the correct perspective from which to approach each section. Elizabeth will also lead a brief Q&A segment at the end of the workshop.
About Elizabeth K. Kracht
Elizabeth Kracht is a literary agent with Kimberley Cameron & Associates and the author of The Author’s Checklist: An Agent’s Guide to Developing and Editing Your Manuscript. She also works as a freelance developmental editor coaching authors. Elizabeth represents both literary and commercial fiction as well as nonfiction, and brings to the agency experience as a former acquisitions editor, freelance publicist, and writer. In fiction, she represents thrillers, mysteries, literary, commercial, women’s, and historical. In nonfiction, she is interested in finding true crime, investigative journalism, narrative/creative nonfiction, prescriptive, voice- or adventure-driven memoir, high concept, science, spirituality, sexuality, self-help, and pet stories.