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SLV Chili Cook Off to Benefit Felton Library Friends
The 6th Annual SLV Chili Cook Off on Saturday, November 2, at the Felton Covered Bridge Park will benefit Felton Library Friends, providing enhancements and programming for the new Felton Library and Nature Discovery Park.
A dozen chili chefs will compete for prizes, with tastings beginning at 1 pm. Live music, drink sales and tasting kit sales begin at 11:30. Tasting kits are $5 and include four tasting tickets and one People’s Choice ticket.
Enjoy local bands, craft beer and wine, and a raffle with separate drawings for valuable prize packages from local businesses and Bay Area sports teams!
Location: Felton Covered Bridge Park, Felton, CA
For more information, visit feltonlibraryfriends.org.
On Facebook: www.facebook.com/slvcookoff.
- Date:
- Saturday, November 2, 2019
- Time:
- 9:00am - 5:00pm
- Branch:
- Offsite
- Audience:
- All Ages Family
- Categories:
- All Ages Families SCPL Friends