Event box
GSSCC Lecture: Forced Emigration: Europe to America, 1600 - Present: Patterns and Trends, with guest speaker Gail Chaid
This program will review definitions of some related words and phrases, and will examine push-pull factors that affect patterns of forced emigration and displacement. Gail will explain a number of departure and arrival records and how to find them. This is a program of genealogical interest that is especially relevant to the movement of people around the globe in our own era.
Gail Chaid is a graduate of Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo, with BS and Masters degrees in Education. Following her retirement from teaching at Independence High School in San Jose, she pursued genealogical interests, focusing on her Bulgarian and Scottish ancestors. Gail has presented programs to genealogy groups around the Bay Area. She is active in the Santa Clara Genealogical Society and the Silicon Valley Computer Genealogy Group.
Please note new attendance options: THIS WILL BE A LIVE PRESENTATION in the downtown library’s upstairs meeting room (with no registration required) -OR- view at home via Zoom (with registration required).