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Can We Save the World by Planting Trees?
Large and rapidly growing sums of money are being spent on planting trees with the aim of combatting myriad environmental problems. Large-scale reforestation has the potential to conserve biodiversity, sequester carbon, and provide for human livelihoods, but will accomplish little if trees do not survive and grow. At worst these initiatives can have unintended, negative consequences such as destroying ancient grasslands, reducing water supply, and increasing social conflicts.
Dr. Karen Holl, Professor of Environmental Studies at UC Santa Cruz, will discuss what we can and cannot achieve from tree planting and how we can improve project outcomes. She will discuss research from her lab evaluating how well the many non-profit organizations and private companies who support tree growing projects are following best practices for successful, long-term reforestation.
Community-led Learning Presenter Bio:
Karen Holl is a Professor of Environmental Studies at UC Santa Cruz. She studies restoration of rain forests in Latin America and coastal ecosystems in California. She advises various local and international organization on ecological restoration and tree growing projects.