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Starting Summer Garden Seeds Indoors: Growing Fabulous and Delicious Tomatoes, Peppers, and Eggplants

Starting Summer Garden Seeds Indoors: Growing Fabulous and Delicious Tomatoes, Peppers, and Eggplants

Would you like to learn from an expert on how to start your summer edible garden indoors? Then this is the program for you! Come join Renee Shepherd of Renee's Garden Seeds in the Felton Library Community Room and learn how to start your summer garden indoors and grow fabulous and delicious tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants. Renee will give us a talk and a demonstration on how to start these summer garden stars from seed indoors and howto grow them successfully outdoors in our climate for a bountiful harvest. Participants will receive a packet of Shepherd’s Garden seeds.

Community-led Learning Bio:

Renee Shepherd is the founder of Renee’s Garden Seeds. She writes all the information on the back of her seed packets and maintains a trial garden in Felton.

Registration required.


Saturday, March 18, 2023
10:30am - 12:00pm
Felton Community Room
Registration has closed.

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